Deionized Water System
Waste Water Treatment System
Water Reclaim System
Deionized Water System
We design and build Deionized Water Systems based on each customers specific requirements. Each system will be uniquely designed to achieve the required usage capacity and parameters based on our customer's scope of operations.

Waste Water Treatment System
Through analysing the incoming waste water parameters, we will design and build a customised Waste Water Treatment System that suits the removal and stabilisation of waste water to achieve the desired water parameters. This will ensure that the waste water will be fully treated in accordance with the stipulated government regulations before it is safely discharged into the public drainage system.

Water Reclaim System
We design and build water reclamation systems based on the specific demands of our customers. We will first thoroughly evaluate our customer's water usage and identify the potential areas where water can be recycled and reused. Such efforts will provide cost-saving benefits to the company by reducing water consumption over time. Furthermore, these systems also contribute to global preservation efforts by advocating environmental-friendly movement efforts.